Teachbard Coder tools
Discover a comprehensive collection of Base64 tools designed to streamline your data encoding and decoding tasks. From encoding text, images, and files to decoding Base64 data back to its original form, our versatile set of tools provides an efficient solution for all your Base64-related needs. Explore these user-friendly utilities for an optimized experience in managing your data securely and effortlessly.
Base64 Encoding
Encode your data into Base64 format.
Base64 Decoding
Decode Base64 data into its original form.
Base64 to Image
Convert Base64 string to an image.
Image to Base64
Convert an image to Base64 string.
Base64 to File
Generate a file from Base64
URL Encoding
Encode URL parameters to be sent over HTTP.
URL Decoding
Decode URL parameters received from HTTP.
HTML Encoding
Encode text containing HTML special characters.
HTML Decoding
Decode HTML special
PDF to Base64
Convert PDF file to Base64
Word to Base64
Convert Word document to Base64 string.
Excel to Base64
Convert Excel spreadsheet to Base64 string.
Latest Blog
What is base64 encoding?
Base64 encoding is a method used to encode binary data into a text format using a specific base64 alphabet. It is commonly used to ensure that data remains intact during transport over media that are designed to handle textual data. Here's a detailed explanation:
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New page Design (version - 11.07.2024)
We have launched a new page design featuring related links and a featured footer.
Posted on: July 07, 2024Privacy Policy
We are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of personal information we collect and how it is used. By using our website, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy.
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Explore additional resources related to Base64 encoding and other topics:
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